
Program download as PDF

To be announced shortly
Sabine Rieser
Specialist journalist for health and social policy, moderator
Sophia Wagner
Partner iX - Institute for Health System Development, Head of iX Policy
09:00 am - 09:30 am
Registrierung & Welcome
09:30 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Impuls lecture
Climate change and health equity equity - a medical ethical perspective
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ilona Kickbusch
Professor of Ethics in Medicine and Health technologies, Director of the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine, Technical University of Munich
WHO Global perspective
11:00 am - 11:45 am
Internationales Plenum 1
How people with chronic conditions are most at risk in the face of climate change
11:45 am - 12:15 pm
Coffee break
12:15 pm - 01:00 pm
Internationales Plenum 2
Decarbonising healthcare: why countries can‘t do it alone
01:00 pm - 02:15 pm
Lunch break
02:15 pm - 03:45 pm
Workshops (parallel 90 min. each)
International Workshop: Sustainable health systems: Lessons learned from different regions
Future workshop
Innovation in the healthcare sector: Digital solutions for sustainability and equity of access
Prof. Oliver Gröne
Universität Witten Herdecke
Nutrition and climate change: Effects on global health and sustainability
Mario Bergmann
Chairman of the Management Board viversus® gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft (LUGS , GRILLNINJAS, Plenetary Health Dish)
Dr. Evelyn Medawar
Director „ Healthy Hospital Food“ PAN International - Physicians Association for Nutrition e.V.
Health equity in the context of migration and climate change
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. PH Timo Ulrichs
Head of the International Emergency and Disaster Relief B.A., Professor for International Emergency and Disaster Relief Chair of Global Health and Development Cooperation, Acre University of Human Sciences
Forums (parallel to the workshops)
02:15 pm - 02:55 pm
System wide approaches to reducing health inequity
02:55 pm - 03:45 pm
From vision to reality: health policy and climate protection from EU level to municipal level
Dr. Maximilian Jungmann
Managing Director of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) at the University of Heidelberg & Founder and Managing Director of Momentum Novum
03:45 pm - 04:15 pm
Coffee break
from 04:15 pm
Social Firework
04:30 pm - 05:30 pm
Results from the workshops & outlook for day 2
from 05:45 pm
Get together
08:00 am - 08:45 am
Breakfast Symposium
German Network Health Services Research AG Climate
Dr. rer. biol. hum. Katharina van Baal
Research assistant at the Institute for General Medicine and Palliative Medicine Hanover Medical School
Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Baum, Dipl.-Psych.
Research associate at the Center for Evidence-based Health Care (ZEGV), University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden
Dr. Ivonne Panchyrz
Research associate at the Center for Evidence-based Health Care (ZEGV), University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden
09:00 am - 09:15 am
Welcome & Wrap Up Day 1
09:15 am - 09:45 am
TBA: Main title to be announced shortly
09:45 am - 10:00 am
Coffee break
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Interactive discussion format
Kerstin Blum
Managing Director Healthy Earth Foundation Healthy People gGmbH
Dr. Miriam Jenny
Scientific Managing Director Institute for Planetary Health Behavior (IPB)
Martin Blaschka
Managing Director Inno3
12:15 pm - 01:00 pm
Lunch break
01:00 pm - 02:30 pm
Symposia: Environment | Health | ... (parallel 90 min. each)
Sustainable, resilient, preventive - the triad for an effi cient and economical healthcare system
Health in a changing climate: focus on prevention - pushing boundaries
UBA - Pharmaceuticals index Impact on the environment and health
From vision to reality: Sustainable healthcare systems in a municipal context
Future-oriented training in the healthcare sector: Competencies for sustainable care
#5.1 - Topic of the contribution will be announced shortly
#5.2 - Topic of the contribution will be announced shortly
02:30 pm - 03:00 pm
Coffee break
03:00 pm - 04:30 pm
Panel discussion
Politics and associations
Dr. Albrecht Kloepfer
Founder and Director of iX - Institute for Health System Development
04:30 pm - 04:50 pm
Recap and farewell